
A collection of tools (physical and virtual) that I find to be useful.

Leuchtturm1917 Notebook Permalink

The Leuchtturm1917 (Pocket size 190mmx125mm) is my current planner of choice–the dotted one. I’m opting for a minimalist and very flexible approach (modified...

Journal 10+ Permalink

The great part about journaling with this format is that I can see “this day in history” as I journal throughout the years.

Office 365 Permalink

You know what Office 365 is. I actually get a subscription through work AND pay for my own Office 365 Business Premium subscription that I use for my persona...

Power Platform

The foundational tools we can build with in the Power Platform:

Selection of dongles

There are a few USB-C dongles I keep nearby for easy connectivity when I’m on the road. These work with my Surface Book 2, HP Spectre, and Surface Go:

VS Code Permalink

VS Code has become my go-to text editor and scratch pad for little copy/paste snippets. This edged out my previous favorite Notepad++ in 2019 after I explore...